Middle East AI News
Middle East AI News
Will AI voice dubbing X10 the reach of live video?

Will AI voice dubbing X10 the reach of live video?

Thursday Deep Dive 15-Feb-24 - Middle East AI News LIVE

15-Feb-24 - Thursday Deep Dive - Avneesh Prakash, co-founder and CEO of Dubai-based live video dubbing platform Camb.ai, joins Carrington Malin to discuss the global video dubbing market, Camb.ai's instant live video dubbing platform and the startup's $4 million seed round.

📰 The global video dubbing market and how Dubai-startup Camb AI's platform allows producers to overdub voices in LIVE video!

📰 How Camb.ai's platform allows you to dub any live video voice track in over 100 languages, dialects, and accents - preserving the original voices.

📰 Camb.ai's $4 million seed funding round, its expansion and plans for the future.

Middle East AI News LIVE - Thursday Deep Dive - Thursdays 12 noon KSA | 1pm UAE | 9am GMT - brought to you by Carrington Malin - Marketing for an AI First World.

Visit the 15-Feb-24 show page on Middle East AI News

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